The following are the "Covid Requirements" within the 2022/2023 hirer's agreement that we've signed with The Perse:
Hirer’s are required to ensure their attendees are aware of the required Covid measures detailed below:
may not attend the site if they have any of the 3 main Covid Symptoms:
a high temperature – 37.8° or above
a new, continuous cough –coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
may also not attend the site if they have had a positive test in the last 10 days.
must follow the guidance for households (here ) and close contacts (here)
The organisation must inform the school (by e-mailing if:
an attendee tests positive within 72 hours of attending our site
there is a Covid outbreak amongst its attendees (i.e. 10% or more), in this situation the School reserved the right to cancel the booking.
Whilst on site
Attendees are encouraged to scan the NHS Test and Trace QR code (available at the entrance to the building)
All attendees should sanitise their hand on arrival and regularly throughout the event (hiring organisations are responsible for providing hand sanitiser for this purpose).
Attendees MUST NOT alter the ventilation provided in any location (i.e. close windows or switch off mechanical ventilation/air conditioning)
Attendees are required to ensure appropriate social distancing from any Perse member of staff on duty.